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Domain Name & Hosting Plan
Support Article 3 of 5     Category: Websites/Internet
What is a domain name?  What is a website server?  What is a hosting plan?
These terms all apply to the setup and management of a website.
A domain name is the web address (aka URL) of a website.  For example, the domain name for this website is  A domain name must be registered on a yearly basis in order for someone to have the rights to author the content under that domain name.
A website server is a computer that makes your website accessible to people browsing the internet.  The files for your website are hosted on a server, which is accessbile to web browsers. Most people pay a yearly fee to put their website files on someone else's server because it is much simpler; they don't have to setup & maintain the server and they don't have to designate office space for the server.  Other people purchase their own server because it is more cost-effective in the long run.  Once you have registered your desired domain name and designated a server to host your website files, your domain name must be 'pointed' to your server so that computers all over the internet to know where to find your website files.  Then someone types in your web address and your webpage displays on their computer.
hosting plan  
A website hosting plan is the package of services and features that are included with your website server if you pay to use someone else's server.  Hosting plans have hundreds of variables, so they come in all shapes & sizes.  Most companies only need a basic package though, and wouldn't really use the advanced features that included in high-end hosting plans.  The hosting plan you choose determines how many of the features & services are included with your website management, but the main features and services that you need to consider are:
The guaranteed 'uptime' of the server; most guarantee 99.9% uptime, which means that your site will barely ever be 'down' (or inaccessible due to technical issues)
The amount of storage space that you are allowed to use at any given time for your website files and email attachments
The number of email addresses that you are allowed to have (if there is a limit)
Any SPAM and/or Virus protection that is included
Traffic Reports: good hosting plans include traffic reports for free that tell you how many hits your website is getting and where your website is getting its hits from
Admin console: Some hosting plans have admin consoles that are very user-friendly and have lots of useful tools & resources, whereas other hosting plans have admin consoles that aren't very useful.
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