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Website Development
Design, Programming/SEO, Article/Blog Mgmt, Online Forms, Comments, Hosting, etc
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Your company's 'brand' is a somewhat broad and abstract term that refers to the heritage that you communicate and emotions that you evoke in communicating your products and services.  Strong brands are not built overnight; they grow over time as your audience develops an emotional attachment to your company and message.  The emotions that are evoked by a brand depend on a variety of factors such as is the language, colors, styles, images, layout, etc.  Prerogative helps your company develop a unique branding style that successfully communicates your company's heritage in a likable way.  This unique branding style is the basis for each website that we design.
search engine robot  
Optimizing a website for search engines is a very important step in getting your webpages to show up in search engine searches for your desired keywords.  Optimizing a website for search engines means formatting all of your website's content to the language that can be best understood by search engines, but it also includes creating a network of relevant websites that link to your website and vice versa.
Online Forms are a great way to allow your website visitors to communicate with you and to give you valuable feedback and information.  From the default Contact Us form to more advanced forms where the visitor takes a quiz online or fills out an application, we can create custom forms that allow your visitors to submit your desired information.
Sample PHP Form
Input Fields for entering information:

Checkboxes for selecting multiple options:    option 1 option 2

Radio buttons for selecting single options:   

Dropdown Menus: 

Input fields with multiple lines:

Allowing your website visitors to post comments on your webpages opens the lines of communication between your website's visitors.  More and more people are going to the Internet to interact and voice their opinions, and allowing them to post comments is a great way to enable them to contribute and keep them coming back to your website.
Post a Comment
The more webpages a website contains about a subject, the higher that website will rank as an authority on the subject. As a result, adding specific content to your website can increase your websit'es relevance to a topic. Prerogative can set up article & blog management systems that allow you to author webpages through a user-friendly console. Easily write write new content, upload images & media, format fonts, and publish. Content management.....done.
Tables and graphs are useful for cross referencing and harvesting large amounts of data. Prerogative can organize your data and present it in an organized manner.
Sample Table
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
It's no secret that the Internet is revolutionizing the nature business.  Every second of the day, millions of people use the Internet for personal purposes like email, chat, blogs, downloads & games and for professional purposes like file transfers, advertising and online services.  The Internet is the most potent resource for information on any topic, and as if that's not enough innovation for one entity, it can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
More and more people are turning to the internet for their product and service needs, so more and more companies are providing their services online.  With so many people and so much activity & innovation online, business that don't integrate their services with the Internet will be missing out on a conserable portion of their market.
All of this begs the question . . . How strong is your company's internet presence?
In order to author a website under your desired domain name (, your domain name needs to be registered on a yearly basis.  In order for your website to display when people type your domain name into their web browser, the files for your website must be hosted on a server (a special computer that hosts the files for a website).  Prerogative can setup and manage all of these technical issues to keep your website up and running.  Plus, having your own domain name allows you to create email addresses with your company name (, send attachments larger than the the 10 MB limit imposed by Gmail and Yahoo, and configure other details about your individual email accounts.  Click here for more information about domain names, servers, email accounts, etc.
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